Sunday, November 8, 2009

World Wide Views on Global Warming

World Wide Views on Global Warming is a global project initiated by The Danish Board of Technology on the occasion of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) held in Copenhagen December 2009.

World Wide Views on Global Warming (or just WWViews) is an international citizens involvement project based on methods developed by The Danish Board of Technology for the purpose of involving citizens in the political decision-making processes.

The WWViews Method

The World Wide Views project meetings are carried through on September 26 in 2009 at the same time in all the participating countries and on this day the citizens are going to debate the same topics issued at the actual Climate Change Conference in December the same year. On the basis of an informed and structured dialogue and expert presentations the citizens – 100 in each country – are thus going to make up their minds about a range of questions and dilemmas concerning different aspects of the climate debate. The results will be uploaded throughout the day and are publicly available almost in real time. Some answers will be quantifiable, permitting statistical comparison, but contrary to regular surveys the methods used for WWViews also give participants the option of discussing questions externally and further qualifying the answers.

World Wide Views on Global Warming gives citizens across the globe the possibility to influence political decisions in regard to the planet’s climate, because the meetings present citizens with the opportunity to express how far they are willing to let politicians go in the struggle to reduce CO2 emission.

The WWViews Partners

34 partners from 28 countries across the world have joined the World Wide Views on Global Warming and the number of project partners continues to expand.


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