Saturday, January 2, 2010



10:10 is a British climate change campaign for a 10% reduction in carbon emissions in 2010. The project aims to demonstrate public support, apply pressure to the government to commit to national cuts, and set a precedent for the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December. The Guardian reports it has attracted diverse support from 35,000 individuals, businesses and organisations, such as Gordon Brown, Microsoft UK, local councils, universities, and The Guardian newspaper.

It was founded in September 2009 by Franny Armstrong, director of The Age of Stupid, with the aim of capturing the public imagination using individual action in a way similar to the Make Poverty History campaign.


After producing climate change film Age of Stupid, Armstrong recollects being asked by people what they should do themselves for climate sustainability. 10:10 aims to further and demonstrate a cultural change towards environmental sustainability. This is being done in preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December of this year. By documenting public support for UK cuts, Armstrong aims to "break the deadlock" of shifting carbon culpability in the directions of major players abroad.


The campaign has attracted the support of major and diverse public figures and organisations, described by the Guardian as from a "cross-section" of UK society. On 18 October, the campaign had 35,000 individual supporters, 1,200 businesses and 850 other bodies including schools and hospitals. There had also been heavy media coverage around the launch date, and there have been regular articles about the campaign's progress published by The Guardian.


The entire British cabinet, consisting of Gordon Brown and his senior ministers, committed to reduce their personal emissions by 10% in 2010, with David Cameron, the Conservative front bench, and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg pledging equal support to the cause.

Since the Party conference season in 2009 when Nick Clegg and Ed Milliband urged the members of the Liberal Democrats and Labour party respectively to commit to the 10:10 cause, support within the political sphere has been steadily growing and to date over 150 Members of Parliament (MPs) have signed up. 10:10 also counts amongst its supporters 53 local councils, three British Embassies, nine Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) and five Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).

On October 21, 2009 the Liberal Democrats put an Opposition Day motion before the House of Commons that sought to commit the entire UK government and public sector to the 10:10 campaign. The motion was defeated by 297 votes to 226 under heavy pressure from the government, but an amendment was passed that committed an additional £20m to help government departments to further reduce their emissions.


Dozens of high-profile individuals have signed up to the scheme. They include chefs Delia Smith and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, fashion designers Vivienne Westwood and Stella McCartney, TV & radio presenters Kevin McCloud and Sara Cox, writers Ian McEwan, Alain de Botton, Carol Ann Duffy and Simon Armitage, artist Anish Kapoor, comedian Rory Bremner, and actors Peter Capaldi, Samantha Morton and Colin Firth.

Individuals involved in politics who support 10:10 include climate change expert Nicholas Stern, former London mayor Ken Livingstone, leading sociologist Anthony Giddens, Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti, socialite and environmentalist Zac Goldsmith, and established campaigner Peter Tatchell.

Educational bodies

The 350 educational institutions signed up consist of large variety of groups, including primary schools and students' unions, as well as names such as King's College London, the University of Edinburgh,, the University of Liverpool, the University of Westminster, the Science Museum and the Tate Modern art gallery.


These include Royal Mail, Microsoft, Tottenham Hotspur football club, the British Medical Journal, O2, the FTSE-100 listed insurance company Aviva and commercial property company Land Securities, B&Q, Bafta, Adidas, Pret A Manger, and the Guardian newspaper, which is engaged in a special partnership with the scheme.

Other organisations

These include several NHS trusts, Cheshire Police Constabulary, the Women's Institute the government Environment Agency watchdog, and the British Fashion Council. Faith groups have shown interest in the campaign, with the entire Methodist Church of Great Britain in support, and Quakers in Britain encouraging its members to sign up "as a matter of urgency".



On September 1, 2009, the campaign was launched at Tate Modern, London. Many high profile organisations and individuals had joined the advance sign-up and some of these were present at the launch. Stornoway and Reverend and the Makers played a free gig, which was compered by Sara Cox. Guests were able to sign up to the campaign using a bank of laptops and the first 3000 were given a free 10:10 tag. In addition, guests were given champagne donated by delivery-only supermarket Ocado, a 10:10 signatory.


The project has produced different guidance on how to cut emissions for individuals, businesses, educational bodies and other organisations. The Guardian has also published articles from various groups and people on how they plan to cut their emissions.

Action for individuals includes fewer plane journeys and lower heating, as well as changing light bulbs, replacing old fridges and freezers and turning appliances off. Supporters also have the suggestion to drive less, eat local and in-season fruit & veg (rather than meat or dairy), to buy long-lasting or second hand goods, as well as repairing and re-using old belongings, avoiding unnecessary packaging or products, cooking only what is needed, and reducing water usage.

The Royal Mail bid has become controversial, due to plans of an increase in its vehicles at the expense of foot or cycle transport, and its decision six years ago to halt railway transport of mail.


Like the white bands of the Make Poverty History campaign, 10:10 supporters can buy special tags to show their support. These tags are made from aluminium reclaimed from scrap aeroplanes. 150,000 have been produced from the plane involved in Flight 9, which was taken out of service. In addition to the small, personal tags, a larger version was produced for wall mounting.


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